our services

One-on-One Sessions
Individual therapy is a process through which we can begin to work collaboratively in a safe, caring, and confidential environment—to explore your feelings, beliefs, behaviors and challenging or influential memories. Through this process we can begin to identify aspects of your life that you would like to change, to better understand yourself, better understand your relationships with others, set personal goals, or simply work toward a desired change.
How we can help:
- Self-Discovery
- Emotional Support
- Skill Building
- Mental Health Management
- Increased Self-Awareness
- Goal Setting and Achievement
- Enhanced Relationships
- Stress Reduction
Book an appointment:
You shouldn’t live in suffering, book an appointment for individual therapy to start feeling your best today.
Patient Resources

improve your relationship
The main goal of couples therapy is increasing your knowledge about yourself, your partner and the patterns of interaction between you. Therapy assists you and your partner in breaking ineffective patterns and developing healthy ways of relating to each other.
How we can help:
- Improve communication and understanding
- Creating healthy boundaries
- Trauma and Relationship triggers
- Goal Setting and Achievement
Book an appointment:
Improve your relationship today with dedicated couples therapy.
Patient Resources

EMDR therapy
For those seeking a safe, supportive environment to heal from the effects of childhood
trauma and abuse (sometimes called complex trauma), symptoms
associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), grief and loss
issues, single incident trauma, or any negative life event(s) that has left
an emotional and psychological wound.
How we can help:
- Examine beliefs you’ve built around your trauma
- Reduce and eliminate emotional triggers related to the trauma
- Empowering you to come back into your body in a healthy way
- Building resiliency to manage ongoing life stressors
Book an appointment:
You shouldn’t live in suffering, book an appointment for trauma therapy to start feeling your best today.
Patient Resources

faith / spiritual counseling
For those seeking Biblical principles and God-inspired wisdom combined with clinical expertise in mental health to guide the direction of your life.
We proclaim our faith in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, as we counsel and teach with the wisdom He gives us. We recognize that we are witnesses to redemptive healing cultivated through a biblical worldview and the working of the Holy Spirit.
How we can help:
Loss of job
Loss of a Loved One
Frequent arguments
Want to strengthen a relationship
Hoping for reconciliation in a broken relationship
Unhealed wounds from past experiences
Determining life direction
Relationships with parents
Adjusting to new roles as parents
Terminal illness
Developing skills for improving your relationships
Learning new ways to cope with stress and anxiety
Managing anger, grief, depression, and other emotional pressures
Improving communications and listening skills
Changing old behavior patterns and developing new ones
Discovering new ways to solve problems in your family or
marriageDeepening your spiritual life
Book an appointment:
Book a therapy session to receive counseling from a Biblical world-view and strengthen your faith in God.
Our Statement of Faith:
Patient Resources

telehealth counseling
We understand that therapy sessions can feel like an additional task on top of all of life’s daily stresses.
We offer telehealth counseling for those people on-the-go that are looking for therapy and mental health care.
How we can help:
- Self-Exploration
- Emotional Support
- Skill Building
- Mental Health Management
- Increased Self-Awareness
- Goal Setting and Achievement
- Enhanced Relationships
- Stress Reduction
Book an appointment:
You shouldn’t live in suffering, book a telehealth counseling appointment today.

express appointments
Are you experienced with therapy or not feeling the need for long-term sessions? We offer stand-alone sessions. Whether you’re feeling particularly stressed at work or going through the end of a relationship, we can offer professional guidance for those who don’t feel the need for a full-time therapist.
How we can help:
- Relieve Major Stressors
- Offer professional advice in tough moments
- Process grief
Book an appointment:
Book a stand-alone session to help you with any additional stress that you shouldn’t have to carry alone.